Translation for "turned-up nose" to spanish
Translation examples
The young men were taunting and teasing a gnarled old man with side-whiskers, gray kinky hair, a turned-up nose, and thick lips, who went over to a broken-down wagon, set his jaw, dribbling spittle as though his mouth were watering for a banquet, tucked up the sleeves of his soiled, loose white shirt, got under the wagon, and hoisted it over his shoulders, while the young men looked on, excited and provoked.
Un hombre fornido, viejo, patilludo, se acercó entre burlas y desafíos de los hombres jóvenes a una carreta averiada y el viejo de cabello cano y ensortijado, nariz levantada y labios gruesos, entreabiertos siempre, como si jadeara o buscara otros labios, apretó las mandíbulas, dejó que una baba suculenta, como si se preparase para asistir a un banquete, le escurriese entre los labios, se arremangó la camisa blanca, manchada, suelta, y se echó debajo de la carreta, levantándola sobre los hombros, entre el desafío y la animación de los más jóvenes.
He had his father’s eyes and turned-up nose.
Tenía la nariz respingona y los mismos ojos de su padre.
This girl had straight blonde hair and a turned-up nose and freckles.
Esta muchacha tenía un cabello rubio y lacio, nariz respingona y pecas.
She had a head full of saucy red curls and a pert, turned-up nose.
Tenía el pelo lleno de provocativos rizos y la nariz respingona.
And Clara was burning and she talked and talked and worked on me with her eyes and her turned-up nose.
Clara estaba ardiendo, y hablaba y hablaba, provocándome con los ojos y con su nariz respingona.
She was a tiny brunette with green eyes, prominent cheekbones, a turned-up nose, and an obdurate forehead.
Era una morena diminuta de ojos verdes, pómulos anchos, nariz respingona y frente testaruda.
Grace Darien had long, dark hair and the same turned-up nose and full lips as her murdered daughter.
Grace Darien tenía el cabello largo y oscuro, y la misma nariz respingona y labios carnosos de su hija.
Her mainstream, even countrified, looks extended to the slight gap between her teeth and her turned-up nose.
Presentaba unos rasgos típicos, incluso un tanto rústicos, que se reflejaban hasta en la ligera grieta que se le veía entre los dientes y en la nariz respingona.
She had an ugly rugged face with an almost laughably turned-up nose which she was in the habit of rubbing irritably when anything troubled or perplexed her.
La cara, fea y arrugada, con una cómica nariz respingona que tenía la costumbre de restregarse furiosamente cuando algo le preocupaba o extrañaba.
They look like sisters, maybe they are, they are very tiny and plump with rosy cheeks and curly hair, turned-up noses and big smiles.
Parecen hermanas, y quizá lo sean, ambas diminutas y rollizas, con mofletes rosados y pelo rizado, narices respingonas y grandes sonrisas.
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