Translation for "turned him around" to spanish
Turned him around
Translation examples
Jack frisked him, turned him around. Denton walked over.
Jack lo cacheó, le dio la vuelta. Denton se acercó.
He grabbed the back of Zeitoun’s shirt, turned him around, and shoved him onto the boat.
Agarró a Zeitoun por la parte de atrás de la camisa, le dio la vuelta y lo empujó al bote.
Yama caught him and turned him around, and held the sharpened bit of wood to his throat.
Yama lo asió y le dio la vuelta, y apoyó el trozo de madera afilada en su garganta.
A hand grabbed him by the back of the neck and lifted him up, higher and higher, and then turned him around.
Una mano lo agarró del pescuezo, lo levantó bien alto y por último le dio la vuelta.
He felt himself grasped by invisible hands—a tugfield of some kind, turning him around.
Se sintió agarrado por manos invisibles…, un campo tractor de alguna especie que le dio la vuelta.
She drew back, turned him around. “Sit down slowly on my lap, and I’ll guide myself in.” “What?” “Trust me.”
—Retrocedió y le dio la vuelta—. Siéntate poco a poco sobre mi regazo. Yo te guiaré. —¿Qué? —Confía en mí.
The commandant, without loosening her grasp, dragged Geralt away and turned him around. To face the door.
La comandanta, sin aflojar su garra, empujó a Geralt y le dio la vuelta. Con el rostro hacia la puerta.
When she freed it, and turned him around, he saw trees, smaller ones, and a trampled earthen trail, descending. “Where are we going?” “Burton’s trailer.
Cuando la liberó y le dio la vuelta, Wilf vio árboles, más pequeños, y un camino de tierra pisoteada. —¿A dónde vamos? —A la caravana de Burton.
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