Translation for "truce" to spanish
Translation examples
The truce was short-lived.
La tregua duró poco.
II. The Truce
We do not simply aspire to a momentary truce, but to a continuous truce, an active truce.
No aspiramos simplemente a una tregua momentánea, sino a una tregua permanente, una tregua activa.
But the truce did not last.
Pero la tregua no duró.
Olympic Truce
Tregua olímpica
The International Centre for the Olympic Truce will offer a permanent forum for the promotion of truce in areas of conflict.
El Centro Internacional de la Tregua Olímpica será un foro permanente para promover la tregua en zonas de conflicto.
Truces were uncertain.
Las treguas son inciertas.
Observance of the Olympic Truce
Observancia de la tregua olímpica
The Burnham Truce
La Tregua de Burnham
It's the truce, the water truce!
Es la tregua, la tregua del agua.
All right, all right, truce, truce.
Muy bien, muy bien, tregua, tregua.
A truce, Colonel.
Una tregua, coronel.
The rapper truce.
Tregua entre raperos.
During the truce?
¿Durante una tregua?
We have a truce, a truce you brokered.
Tenemos una tregua, una tregua que tu armaste.
- Is it a real truce or a trick truce?
Es una tregua verdadera o una tregua engañosa?
With him went two other chieftains.“ Truce, truce!”
Con él iban otros dos jefes. –¡Tregua, tregua!
This isn’t a truce.
Esto no es una tregua.
It was as if they had cried a state of truce between him and her, and in this truce they had met.
Era como si se hubiera declarado una tregua entre ellos, y en esta tregua se hubieran encontrado.
The truce was over.
La tregua había concluido.
But remember, this is a truce.
Pero recordad que es una tregua.
The truce was failing.
—La tregua estaba fracasando.
That was our truce.
Aquélla era nuestra tregua.
Then there won’t be a truce anymore.
Entonces ya no habrá más tregua.
Let's call a truce.
Firmemos una tregua.
It was a truce, you  understand.
Como comprenderás, era una tregua.
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