Translation for "trees that were" to spanish
Translation examples
:: Large monospecific tree stands were avoided and, instead, a patchwork of different vegetation cover types was implemented, with crop and tree species selected by the beneficiary populations
:: En vez de promover el monocultivo de árboles a gran escala, se aplicó una política de siembra de diversas cubiertas vegetales, que permitió a las poblaciones beneficiarias seleccionar los cultivos y las especies de árboles
Trees- where were the trees?
Árboles…, ¿dónde estaban los árboles?
the trees that were blue and silver.
a los árboles que eran azules y plata.
Well, when I was young, they used to say that people only threw stones at trees that were loaded with fruit.
Cuando era joven, se decía que la gente solo tiraba piedras a los árboles que estaban cargados de fruta.
We almost missed it, but, uh, I just happened to look back and saw two trees that were in an "X" shape.
Por poco no la perdimos, pero me dio por mirar atrás y vi dos árboles que estaban puestos en forma de cruz.
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