Translation for "tracksuit" to spanish
Translation examples
- It's a tracksuit.
- No, es un chándal.
[Kim Tracksuit Freak]
[Fanático del Chandal Kim]
Whoa! That's a nice tracksuit.
Que bonito chándal.
I love... This tracksuit.
- Amo... este chandal.
- Fetch my tracksuit.
- Coge mi chándal.
My sexy tracksuit ...
Mi chándal sexy...
Mmmmaybe the tracksuit?
¿Quiiiiiizá el chándal?
Do you want this tracksuit?
¿Quieres este chándal?
Tracksuit, no pockets.
Chándal, sin bolsillos.
The other was in a tracksuit.
El otro iba en chándal.
“There’s a tracksuit in the closet.”
—En el armario tengo un chándal.
Dane wore a tracksuit;
Dane vestía un chándal;
Dressed in a tracksuit, as usual.
Vestido de chándal, como de costumbre.
Oh, yes: the dark-purple tracksuit.
Sí, el chándal violeta.
“They’ll both be in tracksuits.”
—Pero si irán los dos en chándal.
He knocked the girl in the tracksuit sprawling.
Derribó a la chica del chándal.
She came jogging up in a tracksuit.
Llegó trotando en chándal.
‘The tracksuit bottoms,’ said Fred.
—Los pantalones de chándal —dijo Fred.
grey tracksuit top with a hood behind;
una chaqueta de chándal gris con capucha;
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