Translation for "towing-vessel" to spanish
Translation examples
Farther north was the main fleet, a great forest of masts and rigging and smoking funnels - troop transports with their tow vessels, supply ships, fighting sail, steamships, and gunboats, and even junks and merchantmen and sampans, with the small boats scuttling between ‘em like water-beetles, rowed by coolies or red-faced tars in white canvas and straw hats.
Mucho más al norte se encontraba la flota principal, un gran bosque de palos, cordajes y chimeneas: transportes de tropas con sus barcos de remolque, buques de suministros, de guerra, vapores, cañoneras e incluso juncos, barcos mercantes y sampanes, con diminutos barquitos moviéndose entre ellos como escarabajos de agua, y a sus remos culis o marineros de cara roja, vestidos de lona blanca y con sombreros de paja.
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