Translation for "tooth-pick" to spanish
Translation examples
Mr. Spragg's lower lip groped for the phantom tooth-pick.
El labio inferior del señor Spragg buscó su palillo de dientes fantasma.
He had given up the quest for the tooth-pick, and his drawn-in lips were no more than a narrow depression in his beard.
Había renunciado a buscar el palillo de dientes y sus labios no eran en ese momento más que una fina depresión bajo la barba.
He picked them with a tooth-pick of polished boxwood, then brushed them twice, first with toothpaste, then with finely powdered coral.
los escarbaba con un palillo de madera de boj pulida, y después se los cepillaba dos veces, primero con pasta dentífrica, y después con coral reducido a fino polvo.
Ralph saw him slouching in his chair, swung sideways from the untidy desk, his legs stretched out, his hands in his pockets, his jaws engaged on the phantom tooth-pick;
Se lo imaginó repantigado en su sillón, alejado de la mesa desordenada, las piernas estiradas, las manos en los bolsillos, las mandíbulas atareadas con su palillo de dientes fantasma;
She adjusted her bionic finger settings and slid out a very thin metal probe, thin like... ...a tooth pick. ‘Back!
Ajustó su dedo biónico y extrajo una sonda de metal muy fina, tan fina como… un mondadientes. —¡Atrás!
They lay thus,' - placing a series of biscuit-crumbs - 'and these are their frigates... No, I will fetch a box of tooth-picks, and cut them in half for the frigates.'
Estaban situados así… -Entonces colocó varios trozos de galleta y continuó-: y las fragatas estaban así… No, es mejor que traiga una caja de mondadientes y los parta por la mitad para representar las fragatas.
She gathered the unripe fruit and smeared their pulp on the insect bites that covered her body, particularly her lower legs, and she used the sharpened twigs as tooth-picks.
Recogía la fruta verde y untaba con la pulpa las picaduras de insectos que le cubrían el cuerpo, en especial las piernas, y usaba las ramitas afiladas como mondadientes.
He placed his golden tooth-pick, which he had been holding in his hand, between the leaves to mark the page, closed the book and summoned his family in order to dictate to them his last testament.
Coloca entre las hojas, para marcar la página, el mondadientes de oro que tiene en la mano, cierra el libro y llama a los suyos para dictarles su testamento.
Mr. Spragg, during this discourse, had remained motionless, his hands in his pockets, his jaws moving mechanically, as though he mumbled a tooth-pick under his beard.
Spragg no se había movido mientras Moffatt pronunciaba este discurso; con las manos en los bolsillos, accionaba mecánicamente las mandíbulas, como si mordisqueara un mondadientes por debajo de la barba.
Perhaps John used a piece of the true cross for a tooth-pick.'" "A larky sort of a boy says that, Mum, and we skip the parts where they describe what they saw in the different countries," cried Will.
Tal vez Juan usó un pedazo de la cruz como escarbadientes». —Bueno, mamá, el que dice eso es un chico muy bromista. Nosotros saltamos las cosas que ven en los distintos países —explicó Will.
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