Translation for "too many stories" to spanish
Too many stories
Translation examples
It’s wild, but there are too many stories to discount it.”
Es delirante, pero hay demasiadas historias para descartarlo.
It is a city with too many stories and too many strangers.
Hay en ella demasiadas historias y demasiados extraños.
He says there are too many stories for the Council not to be real.
Dice que hay demasiadas historias para que el Consejo sea un cuento.
Too many stories surrounded the twins, all of them bloody.)
Demasiadas historias rodeaban a los mellizos, todas ellas sanguinarias).
there are too many stories, too much talk of anti-Arab bias over there.
Hay demasiadas historias, se habla mucho de la parcialidad antiárabe de su país.
He had heard too many stories about these roamers, and had no wish to meet any of them.
Había oído contar demasiadas historias sobre esos vagabundos y no tenía interés alguno en conocerlos.
But there were too many stories and they were so unspeakable that even those in high places were made furiously indignant.
Pero eran demasiadas historias y tan inenarrables que hasta en las altas esferas produjeron furibunda indignación.
Manilal shrugged and said slowly: ‘There are too many stories… moreover, no two of them agree, which is a strange thing.
Manilal se encogió de hombros y respondió con lentitud: —Se oyen demasiadas historias… Además, no hay dos que coincidan, y eso es lo extraño.
He’d heard too many stories about singers and bands who’d signed all their future earnings away just so they could get a good rate in a prestigious club like the El Morocco.
Le habían contado demasiadas historias de cantantes y de bandas que habían hipotecado todos sus futuros ingresos a cambio de un elevado tanto por ciento en alguna sala de prestigio como El Morocco.
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