Translation for "to x" to spanish
To x
Similar context phrases
Translation examples
X gloves X overalls X eye glasses X respirator
X guantes X monos X gafas X respirador
176 x 1.4 x 7 x 10
176 x 1,4 x 7 x 20
President 189 x 1.4 x 4 x 7 x 10 73 895.64
189 x 1,4 x 4 x 7 x 10
Because I've made alpha equal to X raised to the third power.
Porque porque puse alfa es igual a X al cubo.
Sir, if we kill someone in X Thirteen, can we go back to X Nine?
Señor, si matamos a alguien en X Trece, podemos volver a X Nine?
After that take 20 and divided by 2 and make it equal to X 20 divided by 2
Después de eso... toma el 20 y divídelo entre 2... e iguálalo a X.
Iran has gone through "a" to "x"
Irán ha pasado por "a" a "x"
The one set of values for "X"... is 4-3(X-4)... equal to X-2(4-X).
El valor de "X"... es 4-3... igual a X-2.
- We'd have done Y equal to X raised to the third power!
- Nosotros debiamos poner que Y es igual a X al cubo !
to "X" and square the result.
a X, y lo elevamos al cuadrado para obtener el resultado.
V-Master to X-X-1.
V-Master a X-X-1.
And it is one thing, if they had said to me, "Oh, yeah, "we send the money to X place or Y," or whatever, but they just kept on being very vague.
Y si me hubieran dicho: oh sí, mandamos el dinero a X o Y," o lo que sea... pero las respuestas que obtuve eran muy vagas.
“There was a star with an X upon it.” “An X?” “Yes, an X.
Hay una estrella con una X en ella. —¿Una X? —Sí, una X.
Let's say x e to the x.
Digamos x por e elevado a x.
In life, it is (invariably) the case that x is both x and non-x simultaneously.
En la vida real sucede (invariablemente) que x es al mismo tiempo x y no-x.
The X-Men's X-Mansion or whatever it was called.
La Mansión X de La Patrulla X, o como la llamaran.
Because X minus X equals zero.
Porque X menos X es igual a cero.
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