Translation for "to be determined" to spanish
Translation examples
Chairperson: To be determined.
Presidente: No se ha determinado
We are determined to:
Estamos determinados a:
To be determined by UN
Determinado por las Naciones Unidas
It has already determined that
Ya ha determinado que:
Regionally determined
Regionalmente determinada
determined by the Society;
determinada por la Sociedad;
Targets not determined
Metas no determinadas
Cause not determined
Causa no determinada
But this too is determined.
Pero también eso está determinado.
That we have already determined.
—Eso ya lo hemos determinado.
Just as the future is determined by the past, so the past is determined by the future.
Igual que el futuro viene determinado por el pasado, el pasado está determinado por el futuro.
I am determined on it.
He determinado hacerlo.
All that mattered had been determined.
ya todo había sido determinado.
We haven't determined that yet.
–No lo hemos determinado todavía.
“No, we had not determined that yet.”
—No, eso aún no lo habíamos determinado.
She was determined not to become stagnant.
Y estaba determinada a no estancarse.
Baseline: To be determined; Target: To be determined
Base de referencia: por determinar; meta: por determinar
A scientific test to determine . well, what he wanted to determine.
—Un reactivo científico para determinar…, bueno, lo que él quiere determinar;
Of the stove to determine
de la estufa, para determinar
“The investigation will have to determine that.”
—Eso lo tendrá que determinar la investigación.
“As determined by who?”
—¿Y quién lo va a determinar?
“Can you determine where?”
—¿Puedes determinar donde?
“Not that we’ve been able to determine.
—No, hasta donde hemos podido determinar.
As far as we can determine.
—Por todo lo que podemos determinar.
I could not determine what it was.
No pude determinar qué era.
But it was not possible to determine the moment of emission precisely. Nor was it possible to determine the direction.
Pero no era posible determinar de forma precisa el momento de la emisión, como tampoco lo era determinar la dirección.
The Court determined that:
El Tribunal determinó que:
Specifically, it determines:
Concretamente determina:
Determined by applicable law
La determina la ley aplicable
This will be determined by the court.
Será el tribunal quien determine las modalidades.
Feasibility determined
Se determina la viabilidad
The Court also determined that
La Corte determinó también que
Trial will reconvene at such time to be determined. Betrayal has its own particular sting. Unfortunately, one gets accustomed.
El juicio se volvera a convocar al tiempo que se determine La traición causa un dolor particular.
So what determines that?
Pero ¿qué lo determina?
“How was that determined?”
—¿Cómo se determinó eso?
determined his mother.
determinó su madre—.
It determines what the environment will be.
determina lo que será el ambiente.
And I determined to change this.
Y yo me determiné a cambiar esto.
The god determines all.
El dios lo determina todo.
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