Translation for "tip of the finger" to spanish
Tip of the finger
Translation examples
She nibbled the tip of his finger.
Ella le mordisqueó la punta del dedo.
Keiko’s tongue played with the tip of the finger.
La lengua de Keiko jugueteó con la punta del dedo.
She lifted my face with the tip of her finger.
Me levantó el rostro con la punta del dedo.
The stiletto knife emerged from the tip of Cinder’s finger.
La daga emergió de la punta del dedo de Cinder.
She touched it with the tip of her finger. “Thanks a lot.”
Se lo rozó con la punta del dedo. —Muchas gracias.
I asked and touched his arm with the tip of my finger.
—le pregunté y le toqué el brazo con la punta del dedo.
Hel touched his earlobe with the tip of his finger.
Hel se tocó el lóbulo de la oreja con la punta del dedo.
Schmendrick licked the tip of his finger and looked up.
Schmendrick se lamió la punta del dedo y alzó la mirada.
She touched the scar, traced it with the tip of her finger.
Le tocó la cicatriz siguiendo su recorrido con la punta del dedo.
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