Translation for "they chopped" to spanish
Translation examples
24. On 11 February 2013, a 38-year-old woman with albinism was attacked with machetes by her husband and four other men while she was sleeping, and had her left arm chopped off.
24. El 11 de febrero de 2013, una mujer de 38 años de edad con albinismo fue atacada mientras dormía por su esposo y otros cuatro hombres que, armados con machetes, le cortaron el brazo izquierdo.
61. In Sierra Leone, the persons who had chopped off the arms and legs of civilians, especially women and children, were enjoying their freedom, unscathed and unrepentant, despite the atrocity of the crimes they had committed. What possible meaning could human rights have for the victims of war who witnessed massacres of innocent persons?
61. En Sierra Leona, las personas que cortaron brazos y piernas a civiles, en particular mujeres y niños, se desplazan con toda libertad y sin remordimientos a pesar de la atrocidad de los crímenes cometidos. ¿Qué pueden entonces significar los derechos humanos para las poblaciones víctimas de la guerra que asisten a la matanza de personas inocentes?
The attackers slashed his forehead, right arm, left shoulder and chopped off his left arm above the elbow, using machetes.
Los agresores le acuchillaron en la frente, el brazo derecho y el hombro izquierdo, y le cortaron el brazo izquierdo por encima del codo utilizando machetes.
A miner, in a mine underdevelopment, raised his hand for help from the collapsed tunnel but his arm was chopped mercilessly with an axe, with the word "once you are buried, there is no way but to die." Young man, twined in a machine, was left to die brutally by his owner, saying "if we stop the machine, we will lose gold which is more expensive than hundreds of Korean workers". A boy was bitten to death brutally by a hound unleashed deliberately by an American. These are some of the atrocities the US imperialist murderers committed in Korea.
Un minero, en una explotación minera, levantó la mano pidiendo ayuda desde un túnel derrumbado, pero le cortaron el brazo sin piedad con un hacha, diciendo "una vez enterrado, lo único que te queda es morir"; un joven, apresado en una máquina, fue condenado a la muerte por su propietario, que dijo "si se detiene la máquina, perderemos el oro que es más valioso que cientos de trabajadores coreanos"; un niño murió por las mordeduras brutales de un perro soltado deliberadamente por un americano: son algunas de las atrocidades que cometieron los asesinos imperialistas estadounidenses en Corea.
They put it on top of the table, they put his finger there. They chopped his finger off!
La pusieron sobre la mesa y le cortaron el dedo.
They chopped off her hands so she wouldn't be able to point.
Le cortaron las manos para que no señalara.
They chopped the ends of his ribs away from his backbone and pried them out through his skin one by one.
Le cortaron las puntas de las costillas y se las arrancaron una por una.
They chopped off his head with his own sword.
Le cortaron la cabeza con su propia espada.
Yeah, that's what Mary Queen of Scot said when they chopped off her head.
Sí, eso es lo que la reina María de Escocia dijo cuando le cortaron la cabeza.
So they chopped off his arms and legs so that he couldn't leave.
Así que le cortaron los brazos y piernas para que no pudiera salir.
They chopped his head off.
Le cortaron la cabeza.
They chopped the guy's arm off.
Le cortaron el brazo.
Then they chop off his foot so he couldn't run away.
Luego le cortaron el pie para que no se escapase.
They chopped her goddamn head off right there in the parking lot. Then they cut all kinds of holes in her and sucked out the blood.
Le cortaron la cabeza en el estacionamiento... y luego le abrieron agujeros y le chuparon la sangre.
How come they chopped it off?
¿Cómo fue que se la cortaron?
They chopped and slashed with diabolical fury.
cortaron y azotaron con furia diabólica.
Chopped her head right off, they did.
Le cortaron la cabeza; eso hicieron.
Chopped off with what?” Martinelli nodded.
—¿Con qué se las cortaron? Martinelli señaló con la cabeza.
She was finally defeated and chopped up into little bits.
Finalmente, la derrotaron y la cortaron en pedacitos.
So they took one of the carbuncles and chopped its head off;
Así que cogieron a uno de los carbunclos y le cortaron la cabeza;
The Spaniards chopped them down—all of them—for timbers and lumber and firewood.
Los españoles los cortaron para obtener madera, troncos y leña.
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