Translation for "theophano" to spanish
Translation examples
Was Theophano laughing, as well?
Y Teófano, ¿también reía?
Theophano is smiling, but Tony doesn’t see it as a sinister smile.
Teófano sonríe, pero Tony no considera siniestra esa sonrisa.
Maybe Theophano woke up Nicephorus because she wanted him to appreciate her cleverness before he died.
Quizá Teófano despertó a Nicéforo porque quería que apreciara su astucia antes de morir.
She pictures Theophano on her way to the assassination, with a purple silk mantle thrown over her shoulders and gold sandals.
Tony se imagina a Teófano dirigiéndose a la escena del crimen con un manto de seda púrpura sobre los hombros y sandalias doradas.
Theophano started life as a concubine and worked her way to the top: When her autocratic husband became too old and ugly for her she had him killed.
Teófano empezó su carrera como concubina y se abrió paso hasta la cumbre. Cuando su autocrático esposo se volvió demasiado viejo y feo para ella, lo hizo matar.
If the professor hadn’t been so squeamish Tony would have chosen to write about the assassination of the Byzantine emperor Nicephorus Phocas by his beautiful wife, the empress Theophano.
Si el profesor no fuera tan remilgado, Tony habría elegido el tema del asesinato del emperador bizantino Nicéforo Focas a manos de su bella esposa, la emperatriz Teófano.
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