Translation for "them many" to spanish
Them many
Translation examples
Over 200 people have died here - among them, many Sherpas.
Másde200personashanmuertoaquí- entre ellos, muchos sherpas.
I slept with them many Sometimes, perhaps hundreds of times.
Me acosté con ellos muchas veces, quizás cientos de veces.
I found patches of scarring on both arms, but from the looks of them, many years old.
He encontrado manchas de cicatrices en ambos brazos, pero desde el aspecto de ellos, muchos años.
Now the Byzantine Emperor, Alexius, found tens of thousands of westerners pouring into his capital, among them many Normans.
Ahora, el emperador bizantino, Alexius, encontraron decenas de miles de occidentales vertiendo dentro de su capital, entre ellos muchos normandos.
We've dealt with them many times before.
Ya hemos tratado con ellos muchas veces.
You've walked past them many times.
Han caminado delante de ellos muchas veces.
We've been over them, many times this week.
Hemos estado sobre ellas, muchas veces esta semana.
Amongst them many of the former inmates of Auschwitz, including Helena Citronova.
Entre ellos muchos de los ex prisioneros de Auschwitz, como Helena Citronova.
I risked my life many times for them. Many times!
Me arriesgué muchas veces por ellos. ¡Muchas veces!
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