Translation for "the significant" to spanish
Translation examples
Significant improvement
Mejora significativa
These are significant developments.
Esos son acontecimientos significativos.
Your Honor, we have to weigh the minor inconvenience to Dr. Nachmann against the significant public interest in preventing crime.
Señoría, hemos de sopesar el inconveniente menor del Dr. Nachmann contra el significativo interés público en la prevención del delito.
We committee members were overjoyed to come across a masterpiece like this for the significant 50th anniversary of the prize.
Ha sido un placer para este comité dar con esta obra de arte para el significativo 50 aniversario del premio.
Was this not significant?
¿No era eso muy significativo?
So the first are the significant one.
Así que la primera es la significativa.
Taking romania, bulgaria, Hungary, czechoslovakia, And with the significant help
Hungría, Checoslovaquia, y con la significativa ayuda de guerrillas de partisanos, Yugoslavia.
Given the significant agedifference between the two of you-- nosy bitch.
Dada la significativa diferenciadeedad entre ustedes dos-- Perra curiosa.
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