Translation for "that you dare" to spanish
Translation examples
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Y los sueños Que te atreves a soñar
Dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
Sueños que te atreves a soñar si se hacen realidad.
# That you dare to dream #
# Que te atreves a soñar #
I think it's really cool that you dare to be yourself.
Creo que es genial que te atrevas a ser tú mismo.
And no dream that you dare to dream can be beyond your grasp.
Y no soñar lo que te atreves a soñar puede estar fuera de tu alcance.
- ♪ Somewhere ♪ - "Dreams that you dare to dream," eh?
""Los sueños que te atreves a soñar"".
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true
Y los sueños que te atreves a soñar realmente se realizan
Are there no Trojan throats to slit, that you dare tempt my sword?
¿No hay para cortar la garganta de Troya, que te atreves a tentar a mi espada?
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