Translation for "that withdrawing" to spanish
Translation examples
VI. Withdrawal from the NPT
VI. Posibilidad de retirarse del TNP
Withdrawal from the Treaty
Derecho a retirarse del Tratado
Neither side attempted to withdraw.
Ninguna de las dos partes trató de retirarse;
A. The Nature of the right to withdraw from the Treaty
A. La naturaleza del derecho a retirarse del Tratado
But Israel does not wish to withdraw; it is still camouflaging its unwillingness to withdraw completely by relocating or redeploying its forces.
Sin embargo, Israel no desea retirarse; sigue camuflando su falta de disposición a retirarse completamente cambiando de lugar sus fuerzas o redesplegándolas.
Forced admission, prevention of withdrawing
Incorporación forzosa o prohibición de retirarse del grupo
Israel was forced to withdraw.
Israel se vio forzado a retirarse.
They knew they must withdraw.
Tenían que retirarse.
They began to withdraw.
Empezaron a retirarse.
He was allowed to withdraw.
Se le permitió retirarse.
They request permission to withdraw
Solicitan permiso para retirarse...
The military is threatening to withdraw.
El ejército amenaza con retirarse.
Prudence suggests withdrawal.
La prudencia le sugiere retirarse.
definitely time to withdraw.
era el momento de retirarse, decididamente.
A strategic withdrawal.
—Una retirada estratégica.
Fighting withdrawal!
¡Batámonos en retirada!
Withdrawing, but not retreating.
Se han replegado, pero no se han retirado.
A withdrawal, but not a retreat;
Una retirada, pero no una derrota;
Pull back and withdraw.
Retroceder y retirada.
The withdrawal from life.
La retirada de la vida.
They’ll guard our withdrawal.”
Guardarán nuestra retirada.
Why was I ordered to withdraw?
—¿Por qué me ordenaste la retirada?
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