Translation for "that refusing" to spanish
Translation examples
Prohibition of the refusal to deal;
- la prohibición de la negativa a suministrar;
Refusal of transparency and cooperation
Negativa de transparencia y de cooperación
Refusal to return a child
Negativa a devolver a un niño
The refusal of a party to the process
La negativa de una de las partes en el proceso
Employment - refusal to hire
Empleo - negativa a contratar
314 refusal to cooperate
314 negativa a colaborar
The consequences of a refusal to be recruited;
- Las consecuencias de su negativa a incorporarse;
— unjustifiable refusals to deal;
- la negativa injustificable a tratar;
No reason was given for the refusal.
No se dieron razones para dicha negativa.
I fear that-- that refusal to accept reality will lead Mr. Lance to take desperate action.
Me temo que... esa negativa a aceptar la realidad llevará al Sr. Lance a tomar medidas desesperadas.
A refusal is simply a refusal and is always accepted.
Una negativa es simplemente una negativa y se acepta siempre.
The refusal had been sweetened with a great many compliments; but it remained a refusal.
La negativa venía endulzada con muchos cumplidos, pero continuaba siendo una negativa.
There was a chorus of refusals.
Hubo un coro de negativas.
It was firmly refused.
La negativa fue firme.
It was almost but not quite a refusal.
Era casi, pero no del todo, una negativa.
“Your refusal to eat.”
tu negativa a comer.
His refusal to compete.
Su negativa a competir.
There was no give behind the refusal.
Era una negativa sin condicionantes.
Some refusals are allowed.
Se permiten algunas negativas.
a refusal would be out of character.
Una negativa estaría fuera de carácter.
The Consortium refused this offer.
El Consorcio rechazó este ofrecimiento.
Inmate refused the designated visit
El recluso rechazó la visita
The terrorism we still see today stems from an innate refusal to recognize Israel, a refusal to recognize the Jewish State and a refusal to recognize the value of our lives.
El terrorismo del que seguimos siendo testigos radica en un rechazo innato a reconocer a Israel, un rechazo a reconocer el Estado judío y un rechazo a reconocer el valor de nuestras vidas.
Refusal of entry, deportation and expulsion
El rechazo, la deportación y la expulsión
Refusal of self-defense of the honor
:: Rechazo de la defensa del honor
The author refused that lawyer.
El autor rechazó ese abogado.
"It matters in this sense—that she has refused me." "Refused you?
—Importa, ya que ella me rechazó. —¿Qué te rechazó?
If he refuses something once, he refuses it forever.
Si rechaza algo una vez, lo rechaza siempre.
Is that a refusal?
—¿Es esto un rechazo a que la vea?
But you refuse me?
—¿Pero me rechazas?
There were some refusals.
Hubo algunos rechazos.
Refusing is not an option.
El rechazo no es una alternativa.
The General refused it.
El general lo rechazó.
The creamery refused it.
La lechería la rechazó.
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