Translation for "that prayed" to spanish
That prayed
Translation examples
Later in the day, however, hundreds of settlers who were joined by yeshiva students and other orthodox Jews arrived at the site, which they claimed was a synagogue, prayed there and listened to speeches by the rabbi and the head of the Kiryat Arba settlement. (Ha'aretz, 22 November)
No obstante, horas más tarde, cientos de colonos a quienes se sumaron estudiantes de yeshiva y otros judíos ortodoxos llegaron al lugar, que afirmaron era una sinagoga, oraron y escucharon los discursos del rabino y del jefe del asentamiento de Kiryat Arba. (Ha'aretz, 22 de noviembre)
It is by drawing inspiration from the teachings of Islam that the various components of Moroccan society, of all political, spiritual and cultural orientations, prayed together in the Cathedral of Rabat on 16 September 2001, thus symbolizing the mutual understanding and peaceful and serene coexistence of the three monotheistic religions in our country.
Inspirados en las enseñanzas del Islam, los integrantes de la sociedad marroquí, de todas las tendencias políticas, espirituales y culturales, oraron al unísono en la Catedral de Rabat, el 16 de septiembre de 2001, como símbolo de la comprensión mutua y la coexistencia pacífica y serena en nuestro país de la tres religiones monoteístas.
The group, which included housewives and students, marched from the Sule Pagoda to the Botataung pagoda, where they prayed for the monks and other protesters who died in the September demonstrations and for the release of detainees.
El grupo, entre quienes se contaban amas de casa y estudiantes, desfilaron desde la pagoda de Sule hasta la pagoda de Batataung, en donde oraron en memoria de los monjes y otros manifestantes que murieron en las manifestaciones de septiembre y por la liberación de los detenidos.
For a while they prayed in silence.
Durante un rato oraron en silencio.
Then the Arabs spread their mats and prayed.
Luego, los árabes desenrollaron sus tapetes y oraron.
So Osgar came, and knelt at his side, and they prayed together.
Osgar se aproximó, se arrodilló a su lado y oraron juntos.
At the site where the Lord suffered and died on His cross for their sins, the three prayed long and fervently.
Y los tres oraron largamente y con intensidad en el lugar donde el Señor había fallecido sobre Su cruz por los pecados del hombre.
Zeitoun and Nasser brushed whatever dust they could over their hands and arms and neck to cleanse themselves, and they prayed.
Zeitoun y Nasser se frotaron las manos, los brazos y el cuello con toda la tierra que encontraron y oraron.
Three days and three nights the chief, his wife, his son, and his servants prayed on their knees before the image.
Durante tres días y tres noches, el jefe, su familia y sus criados oraron arrodillados ante el altar.
The priests rocked censers and prayed. But no one dared intrude. The flares of green fire appeared nightly.
Los sacerdotes agitaron incensarios y oraron, pero no se atrevieron a entrometerse y las llamaradas de fuego verde aparecieron cada noche.
And he fell on his knees, dragging Manfred down with him, and side by side they knelt before the anvil as though it were an altar and the white diamond dust coated their knees as they prayed.
Se arrodillaron juntos ante el yunque, como si fuera un altar, con el polvo blanco cubriéndoles las rodillas, y oraron.
“Not today,” he said. That night Zeitoun and Nasser prayed together on the roof of the house on Dart and barbecued hamburger meat on the grill.
—Hoy no. Esa noche, Zeitoun y Nasser oraron juntos en el tejado de la casa de la calle Dart y asaron unas hamburguesas en la parrilla.
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