Translation for "that ireland was" to spanish
Translation examples
Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland Office): Nonjury trial
Irlanda del Norte (Dirección de Irlanda del Norte): juicio sin jurado
Report of Ireland (Submitted by Ireland)
Informe de Irlanda (presentado por Irlanda)
Replace Constitution of Ireland Act by Northern Ireland Constitution Act
Sustitúyase Irlanda por Irlanda del Norte
Appointments in the Northern Ireland Office and Northern Ireland departments
Nombramientos en la Oficina de Irlanda del Norte y en los departamentos de Irlanda del Norte
Ireland free and Ireland for the Irish.
Irlanda libre e Irlanda para los irlandeses.
They know nothing about Ireland, they care nothing about Ireland.
No saben nada de Irlanda, no les importa nada de Irlanda.
And a Miss Ireland and Miss Northern Ireland as well.
Además hay una Miss Irlanda y una Miss Irlanda del Norte, también.
Ireland gave its promise. And the promise sank Ireland.
Irlanda prometió salvar los bancos y la promesa hundió a Irlanda.
‘You were in Ireland?’
—¿Estabais en Irlanda?
Príncipes de Irlanda
They lived in Ireland.
Ellos vivían en Irlanda.
Ireland, of course.
—De Irlanda, claro está.
Many of those who look back on the disaster thought they should have seen it coming, seen that Ireland was India with rain.
Muchos, al revisar el desastre, creen que debería haberse visto venir, que Irlanda era la India con lluvia.
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