Translation for "that ambushed" to spanish
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Translation examples
Killed in bus ambush
Matado en emboscada a autobús
Gunshot wounds incurred during ambush
Heridas de bala recibidas durante emboscada
Was fleeing the scene of an earlier ambush.
Huía de una emboscada previa.
At ten past nine, there was an ambush.
A las 9.10, hubo una emboscada.
She clarified that there was no ambush here.
Aclaró que no se había tendido ninguna emboscada.
Shot during ambush by unknown gunman
Disparo durante emboscada por tirador no identificado
Ambushed in truck convoy
Emboscada en convoy de camiones
Open fire into vehicle during ambush
Disparo de arma de fuego a vehículo durante emboscada
Well, that ambush has got to land on someone.
Bien, esa emboscada tiene que recaer sobre alguien.
I led us right into that ambush.
Yo nos metí en esa emboscada.
So that ambush, that was you?
Esa emboscada, ¿fuiste tú?
My men were butchered in that ambush.
Mis hombres fueron masacrados en esa emboscada.
They spent a lot of money setting up that ambush.
Gastaron un montön de dinero en esa emboscada.
If it weren't for that ambush...
Si no fuera por esa emboscada...
You took us out to that ambush.
Usted nos condujo a esa emboscada.
I want the details of that ambush.
Quiero los detalles de esa emboscada.
Men died in that ambush.
Muchos hombres murieron en esa emboscada.
Whatever it is, it all leads back to that ambush.
Sea lo que sea, todo nos lleva a esa emboscada.
And ambush the ambush, he thinks.
Y tenderemos una emboscada a la emboscada, piensa.
An ambush. We were going to be ambushed.
Una emboscada. Íbamos a caer en una emboscada.
This is the ambush.
Esto es la emboscada.
“It was an ambush!”
—¡Era una emboscada!
Was it an ambush?
—¿Fue una emboscada?
Not an ambush then.
Una emboscada no era.
The ambushers had been ambushed. CHAPTER 5
Los que tenían preparada la emboscada habían sufrido una emboscada. Capítulo 5
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