Translation for "terrain was" to spanish
Translation examples
A. Terrain profile
A. Perfil del terreno
All-terrain vehicle
Vehículo para todo terreno
Terrain vehicles
Vehículos todo terreno
Characteristics of terrain
Características del terreno
What was the terrain?
¿Cómo era el terreno?
But the terrain was changing.
Pero el terreno estaba cambiando.
‘Composition of terrain?’
—¿La composición del terreno?
They know the terrain.
Conocen el terreno.
And it was not just the terrain.
No sólo se trataba del terreno;
“Not at this speed, not on this terrain.”
—A la velocidad que avanza y sobre este terreno, no.
I mean, that terrain was something serious.
A ver, ese terreno era cosa seria.
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