Translation for "television-set" to spanish
Translation examples
There was a minibar and a television set.
Tenía minibar y televisor.
The television set was still on.
El televisor seguía prendido.
A radio but no television set.
Tenía una radio, pero no vi ningún televisor.
Ja’, turn off the television set.”
Anda, apaga esa tele.
It was like looking at a fuzzy television set.
Fue como mirar una tele borrosa.
You will have no television set because there is no television.
No veréis la tele porque allí no hay televisión.
I woke up to the faint sounds of the television set floating up from the den.
Al despertarme oí un murmullo en el cuarto de la tele.
Hell, anybody with a television set would have known you're supposed to dump the gun.”
Demonios, cualquiera que vea la tele sabe que debe deshacerse del arma.
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