Translation for "telepathically" to spanish
Translation examples
No. We communicated telepathically.
Nos comunicamos telepáticamente.
Not telepathically, of course.
No telepáticamente, claro.
I telepathically summoned them.
Les llamé telepáticamente.
It controls your muscles telepathically.
Controla los músculos telepáticamente.
They communicate telepathically.
Se comunican telepáticamente.
They're calling to me telepathically.
Me llaman telepáticamente.
I was getting all telepathically romantic.
Estaba telepáticamente romántico.
Telepathically, they were blinded.
Telepáticamente estaban ciegos.
Telepathically you are untrained.
Telepáticamente no estás entrenado.
Telepathically.’ ‘It wasn’t an indiscretion.
Telepáticamente. —No fue una falta de tacto.
This time they laughed telepathically.
Esta vez, se rieron telepáticamente.
The astrids told me telepathically.
—Los ástrides me lo contaron telepaticamente.
he telepathically asked the illithid.
—le preguntó telepáticamente al ilícida.
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