Translation for "tacs" to spanish
  • tac
Translation examples
Sources: UNCTAD, TAC.
Fuente: UNCTAD, TAC.
JS15 recommends strengthening the monitoring mechanisms for the Terms of Behaviour Adjustment (TAC).
Recomendó fortalecer los mecanismos de fiscalización de los Términos de Ajuste de Conducta (TAC).
Sources: IMF, World Bank, TAC.
Fuente: FMI, Banco Mundial, TAC.
Harvest rights provided for by the Act are calculated on the basis of this amount and each vessel is allocated a specific share of the TAC for the species, the so-called quota share.
Los derechos de captura establecidos por la ley se calculan en base a esa cantidad y a cada buque se le asigna una proporción específica del TAC para las distintas especies, la denominada cuota.
Source: TAC/UNCTAD Survey, June 2010.
Fuente: Encuesta TAC/UNCTAD, junio de 2010.
Source: UNCTAD ALDC division/TAC.
Sources: World Bank, Comtrade, TAC.
Fuente: Banco Mundial, Comtrade, TAC.
When quota shares are determined for species that have not been previously subject to TAC, they are based on the catch performance for the last three fishing periods.
La determinación de las cuotas de pesca para especies que anteriormente no estaban sujetas al TAC se basa en las capturas efectuadas en los últimos tres períodos de pesca.
You've seen Tac-tac?
¿Has visto a 'Tac-Tac'?
One machine-gun ahead, another in the rear, tac-tac-tac...
Una ametralladora delante, otra en la parte trasera, tac-tac-tac...
The proof is Tac-tac.
La prueba es 'Tac-tac'.
' Can you hear the 'tac-tac? '
Dígame, ¿hace tac-tac?
Meter running, tic- tac, tic- tac.
Taxímetro corriendo, tic-tac, tic-tac.
Tic, tac, go.
Tic, tac, va.
Okay, tic-tac.
Vale, tic-tac.
These, uh, tac tacs are actually, um,
Estos, eh, TAC TAC son de hecho, um,
And there were Tic Tacs.
Y caramelos Tic Tac.
Their minds aren't in Sea-Tac at all."
Sus mentes no están en Sea-Tac.
Tac, you must trust.”
Tac, debes confiar.
In a frightening kind of way.” “Tac.
De una forma aterradora. —Tac.
All that could be heard was the screeching of static and a faint beat in the background, a sort of dull tac-tac-tac that repeated at random, every few minutes.
Tan sólo rechinaba la estática, con un latido sordo de fondo, un tac-tac-tac seco que se repetía de manera aleatoria, a veces cada pocos minutos.
Tac, Lila, there is eccentricity, and there is madness.
Tac, Lila, está lo excéntrico y está la locura.
“Compliance!” TAC chirped brightly.
—¡Cumplimiento! —trinó TAC con alegría.
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