Translation for "sweatsuit" to spanish
Translation examples
I saw a crocodile sweatsuit.
Vi una sudadera de cocodrilo.
She buys sweatsuits in bulk?
Ella compra muchas sudaderas?
They were sponsored by Nike, had Nike shoes, Nike sweatsuits, Nike bags.
Los patrocinaba Nike: Tenían zapatos, sudaderas y bolsas deportivas de la marca.
Hope you're not planning to see patients in your sweatsuit.
Espero que no veas pacientes en sudadera.
That was the Sweatsuit Cocktail.
Ese fue el Cóctel Sudadera.
And now he's buying the coolest velour sweatsuits, and he's buying ski goggles even though he's never been anywhere near a ski slope, and he's buying the greatest kicks.
Y ahora él está comprando el cool sudaderas terciopelo, y él está comprando gafas de esquí incluso aunque él nunca ha estado en cualquier lugar cerca de una pista de esquí, y es la compra de los mayores retrocesos.
No, your guy wears an American flag sweatsuit and a sheriff's badge.
No, usa una sudadera de bandera americana y una placa de sheriff.
The sweatsuit was clean and freshly ironed.
La sudadera estaba limpia y recién planchada.
Beneath the sweatsuit she wore a scapular with a plastic cross.
Debajo de la sudadera tenía un escapulario con una cruz de plástico.
She wore a pink hoodie sweatsuit and Puma tennis shoes.
Vestía una sudadera amarilla con capucha y zapatillas de deporte Puma.
Joe removed his sweatsuit and walked into the steam room, now dense with vapor.
Joe se quitó la sudadera y entró en el baño de vapor.
They brought her a new hood of pink wool that matched her sweatsuit.
Le llevaron una capucha nueva, de lana rosada que hacía juego con la sudadera.
Although the temperature was in the mid-seventies, she wore a gray two-piece sweatsuit.
Aunque la temperatura era de unos veintipocos grados, llevaba una sudadera gris de dos piezas.
Later, when they had nightgowns, they wore them over their sweatsuits on very cold nights.
Más tarde, cuando tuvieron una camisa de dormir, se la ponían encima de la sudadera en las noches muy frías.
Beside her was the body of the boy who had been buried at the same time, wrapped in the pink sweatsuit.
A su lado estaba el cadáver del niño que habían enterrado al mismo tiempo, envuelto en la sudadera rosada.
During the first week the guards bought them the regulation sweatsuits, as well as toilet articles and local newspapers.
Desde la primera semana les compraron las sudaderas de reglamento, los útiles de aseo y tocador y los periódicos locales.
The dark green sweatsuit was a couple of sizes too small for a square, powerful body that looked as if it had been assembled from refrigerator parts.
Llevaba una sudadera verde oscuro un par de tallas menor de lo que necesitaban sus anchos hombros.
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