Translation for "sweat and blood" to spanish
Sweat and blood
Translation examples
The Turkish Government has not only killed Syrians and destroyed their towns and villages; it has lashed out against the country's development and all that Syrians have achieved with their own sweat and blood.
El Gobierno de Turquía no solo ha matado a sirios y destruido sus ciudades y poblados sino que ha atentado contra el desarrollo del país y contra todo lo que los sirios han logrado gracias a su propio sudor y sangre.
The same words go to the soon-to-be 191st Member of our Organization, the Democratic Republic of East Timor, a country whose sovereignty and independence has been won with sweat and blood, like that of my own country. Warm welcome from Eritrea, East Timor!
Lo mismo se aplica al futuro 191° Miembro de nuestra Organización, La República Democrática de Timor-Leste, país cuya soberanía e independencia se han logrado con sudor y sangre, igual que las de mi propio país. ¡Timor-Leste, Eritrea te saluda calurosamente!
Their breath, sweat and blood... They are all poison.
Su aliento, sudor y sangre todas están envenenados.
I've been soaked to the skin with rain, sweat and blood!
Me ha embarrado de lluvia, sudor y sangre.
Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain
cuyo sudor y sangre, cuya fe y dolor.
How could desk jockeys understand their sweat and blood?
¿Cómo podrían entender su sudor y sangre los que están en un escritorio?
"And Eve brought forth Cain in sweat and blood."
"Y Eva dio a luz a Caín con sudor y sangre".
It's your birthright, paid for in sweat and blood.
Es su derecho de nacimiento, pagado con sudor y sangre.
He was covered in sweat and blood.
Watkins estaba cubierto de sudor y sangre.
We shed lot of sweat and blood for it.
Derramamos mucho sudor y sangre por ella.
I was soaked with sweat and blood.
Estaba empapado de sudor y sangre.
Chase was covered with sweat and blood.
Chase estaba cubierto de sudor y sangre.
And it stank of sweat, and blood, and pig.
Y apestaba a sudor, a sangre y a cerdo.
The air smelled of sweat and blood.
El aire sabía a sudor y sangre.
His hair was lank with sweat or blood.
Tenía el pelo cubierto de sudor y sangre.
Sweat saves blood,’ he was told.
—El sudor ahorra sangre —se repetía.
The smell of leather and sweat and blood, long.
—Huelen a cuero, sudor y sangre, Jong.
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