Translation for "survivable" to spanish
Translation examples
A. not survivable and B. would be even worse in terms of galvanizing the world around a military structure.
a. no sobrevivible y b. sería aun peor en términos de galvanizar el mundo en torno a una estructura militar.
The level of energy in the pulse... didn't seem survivable.
El nivel de energía en el pulso no parece ser sobrevivible.
That should be survivable, but after that hypothermia will start to set in and we'll start losing people.
Eso sería sobrevivible, pero luego de eso la hipotermia comenzará - y comenzaremos a perder gente.
~ In a Home Office report, a forensic psychiatrist noted that Christy's understanding of asphyxiation was of a survivable sexual nature.
En un informe de Interior, un psiquiatra forense anotó que Christie entendía... la asfixia como de naturaleza sexual sobrevivible.
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