Translation for "surreptitiously" to spanish
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The Attorney General assured the Human Rights Council that it was not the policy of the State to illegally and surreptitiously arrest persons and detain them in undisclosed locations.
El Fiscal General aseguró al Consejo de Derechos Humanos que no era política del Estado detener ilegal y subrepticiamente ni recluir en lugares clandestinos.
58. She had been concerned to hear the impression that the Secretariat had made surreptitious alterations to the budget process, for example, with regard to recosting.
Le ha preocupado que se tenga la impresión de que la Secretaría ha modificado subrepticiamente el proceso de preparación del presupuesto, por ejemplo, en lo referente a los nuevos cálculos de costos.
We believe this is a dangerous practice that flouts the will of States and which is part of an approach geared towards surreptitiously revising and infringing upon the mandates of funds and programmes.
Creemos que es una práctica peligrosa que burla la voluntad de los Estados y es parte de un criterio orientado a revisar y quebrantar subrepticiamente los mandatos de los fondos y los programas.
64. Defectors were tortured because they attempted to spare civilians either surreptitiously or by openly refusing to obey orders.
64. Hubo desertores que fueron torturados porque trataron de salvar las vidas de civiles subrepticiamente o negándose abiertamente a obedecer las órdenes.
There are those who prey on the disenfranchised and the marginalized and surreptitiously use the faith, culture and religion of others to push and justify their own dark agenda.
Están los que se aprovechan de los desposeídos y los marginados y utilizan subrepticiamente la fe, la cultura y la religión de los demás para impulsar sus oscuros programas y justificarlos.
The Tanzanian authorities had not yet collected any data on trafficking; it was an activity that was carried out surreptitiously and no one had been arrested for it.
Las autoridades de Tanzanía aún no han reunido datos sobre ese fenómeno; es una actividad que se lleva a cabo subrepticiamente, y no se ha detenido a nadie por ese motivo.
During the beatings, the supervisor directed the prison guards' actions and surreptitiously videotaped the incident.
Durante las palizas, el supervisor indicó a los guardas de la prisión lo que tenían que hacer y subrepticiamente grabó en vídeo el incidente.
It was regrettable that those changes had been made surreptitiously without adequate discussion of the possible implications.
Resulta lamentable que estos cambios se hayan realizado subrepticiamente sin un debate apropiado sobre las posibles consecuencias.
The Hungarian minority continues to suffer threats and is being expelled surreptitiously or forced into forced labour camps and their freedom of movement is restricted.
La minoría húngara sigue siendo objeto de amenazas y es expulsada subrepticiamente o trasladada por la fuerza a campos de trabajos forzados donde se limita su libertad de movimientos.
It seemed that an attempt was being made to surreptitiously introduce that language, with a view to gradually broadening the restriction to other disputes.
Aparentemente, existe un intento de introducir subrepticiamente dicho texto con el objetivo de ir aplicando esta restricción a otras controversias.
than to surreptitiously advance.
Es mejor que hagamos nuestra presencia conocido , que avanzar subrepticiamente .
You're to mingle on the shop floor, surreptitiously.
Tienen que mezclarse en la tienda, subrepticiamente.
Se ejecuta solo, subrepticiamente por debajo del radar.
It got all black around there, and someone surreptitiously placed a lady's silk stocking in your pocket.
Se le puso negro, y alguien... subrepticiamente, puso unas medias de seda de mujer en su bolsillo.
I propose that we obtain authorization to surreptitiously enter Conversation Hall, retrieve Mikhail's laptop, and then place another laptop inside the vault containing SVR documents of a low classification level.
Propongo que obtengamos autorización Para entrar subrepticiamente en el Salón Conversation, recuperar el portátil de Mikhail, y luego reemplazar el portátil dentro de la bóveda con documentos del SVR de baja clasificación.
Not directly, mind you... but surreptitiously, you dig?
No directa... sino subrepticiamente, ¿entiendes?
AMY: Gary is going to go to Jonah's office and somewhat surreptitiously get the card back.
Gary irá a la oficina de Jonah y subrepticiamente recuperará la tarjeta.
Quality-wise, if you put it up against an exact copy of it on film, the film would be immeasurably superior, But you could shoot illegally and surreptitiously without people knowing.
Cualitativamente, si lo pones frente a una copia exacta pero hecha en film, el film seria inmensamente superior, pero podrías filmar... ilegalmente y subrepticiamente sin que la gente se dé cuenta.
Like delivering food surreptitiously, without the customer noticing.
Como repartir comida subrepticiamente, sin que el cliente se de cuenta.
“We have to do it surreptitiously.”
—Tenemos que hacerlo subrepticiamente.
it seemed to move surreptitiously;
parecía deslizar subrepticiamente;
“Could you not do it surreptitiously?”
—¿No podría hacerlo subrepticiamente?
Centaine the studied him surreptitiously.
Centaíne le estudió subrepticiamente.
Drepung glanced surreptitiously at their waitress;
Drepung observaba subrepticiamente a la camarera;
Surreptitiously, he observed the two;
Observó subrepticiamente a los dos hombres.
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