Translation for "sure-handed" to spanish
Translation examples
“The signora has a nice sure hand.”
—Desde luego, la señora tiene una mano bonita y segura.
Artemisia twisted her shuttle with a sure hand.
—Artemisia giró su punzón con mano segura—.
But Gross worked the controls with constant finesse and a sure hand.
Pero Gross manejaba los controles con una finura constante y mano segura.
He was a thunderous kicker and sure-handed in passing and receiving.
Era un chutador fenomenal y hombre de mano segura lo mismo al pasar que al recibir.
They were forcing the pace of industrial development, but with a sure hand and with patience.
Forzaron la marcha del desarrollo industrial, pero con mano segura y con paciencia.
With a sure hand and steady fingers he grasped the broken shaft and pulled.
Con mano firme y dedos seguros, aferró el asta quebrada y tiró de ella.
Along with budgets and politics, he managed to keep his sure hand in as a surgeon.
Sin descuidar los presupuestos ni la diplomacia, lograba conservar una mano segura como cirujano.
I would practise on a scrap of paper and then, with a sure hand, transform the symbols made by the doctors.
Primero hacía un borrador, y después con gesto seguro transformaba los números trazados por los médicos.
except that my laughing father’s sure hands gripped him and pulled him back inside
pero las seguras manos de mi padre, que no paraba de reír, le sujetaban con fuerza y tiraban de él hacia atrás
She felt his strong sure hands on her shoulders, heard him breathing behind her.
Vianne notó sus manos fuertes y seguras en sus hombros, le oyó respirar a su espalda.
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