Translation for "supporting-actor" to spanish
Translation examples
Best Actor, and Best Supporting Actor in an independently funded British horror movie.
Mejor Actor, y Mejor Actor Secundario en una película independiente británica.
That our marriage was like the Victoria Chase show and he was just a supporting actor.
Que nuestro matrimonio era como el show de Victoria Chase y él era un actor secundario.
Many in the industry thought that Roddy McDowall had given the best performance of his career as Caesar's nephew Octavian, one worthy of an Oscar win for the year's best supporting actor.
Según muchos, McDowall había hecho un gran trabajo merecedor del Oscar al Mejor Actor Secundario.
And the two supporting actors of our film..
Y los dos actores secundarios de nuestra película ..
And, you know, I'm really just about tired of-- of being a supporting actor.
Y, sabes, estoy cansado de... ser un actor secundario.
Is it possible to win Best Actor AND Best Supporting Actor?
¿Es posible ganar Mejor Actor Y Mejor Actor Secundario? Sí.
That's the power of Heath Ledger, even when he was young, even as a supporting actor, he will steal the movie, steal the whole show.
Ese es el poder de Heath Ledger, Incluso cuando era joven, incluso como actor secundario, Él robará la película, robará el espectáculo entero.
But we always sort of knew that it was a support actor really a kind of warm-up man for the main event, the supercharged XKR, which I haven't been driving.
Pero siempre supimos que era un actor secundario, una especie de telonero antes de la gran estrella: el XKR sobrealimentado, el cual yo no he conducido, porque Jeremy me protegió desinteresadamente de él.
He was the most extraordinary supporting actor in the Theatre Guild.
Era el actor secundario más extraordinario de Norteamérica.
I had no idea who that was, although I presumed it was some other supporting actor.
No sabía quién era ese, deduje que otro actor secundario.
You may choose your own supporting actors. A not unworthy chorus is already training.
Puedes escoger a tus actores secundarios y ya se está preparando un coro nada despreciable.
The dandified Algernon and Jack are simply supporting actors whom the women boldly stage manage.
Los petimetres Algernon y Jack son simplemente actores secundarios a los que las mujeres manipulan descaradamente.
The supporting actors were being hired, the auditions were in full swing, and an item had been leaked to the press, mentioning who the stars of Manhattan would be.
Ya se estaba contratando a los actores secundarios y se había facilitado información a la prensa acerca de los astros que iban a intervenir en Manhattan.
Like a supporting actor whose name no-one can ever remember, Camille dimly recognises the man as someone he has seen at a hundred other crime scenes. They nod vaguely to each other.
Camille lo reconoce enseguida, se lo ha cruzado cien veces en escenas de crímenes, como a un actor secundario cuyo nombre nunca recuerda.
It was a show, the vintage dresses and American Spirits, the rapid-fire wit and implied sex appeal, with learned lines and sharp costumes and dull supporting actors;
Todo se resumía en una puesta en escena: los vestidos vintage y los cigarrillos American Spirit, las réplicas ocurrentes y la tensión sexual implícita, con frases aprendidas de memoria, trajes elegantes y torpes actores secundarios;
He wasn’t a classic out-and-out villain as other wonderful supporting actors went on to be, for example, Jack Palance, Lee Marvin and the inimitable John Carradine.
Rara vez físicamente: no se trata de un villano clásico y de una pieza como pudieron llegar a serlo grandísimos actores secundarios como Jack Palance, Lee Marvin o el inimitable John Carradine.
Egoism, I suppose, and a little hard on the supporting actors, but Sir John’s audiences wanted him to be wonderful and he did whatever was necessary to make sure that he damned well was wonderful.
Egoísmo, supongo, y sin duda molesto para los actores secundarios y el resto del reparto, pero el público que acudía a ver a sir John quería ante todo que estuviera maravilloso y que hiciera todo lo que fuera necesario para que con absoluta certeza fuese, efectivamente, un portento.
I had a sudden feeling that the exquisite James Mason or the ominous Martin Landau might suddenly appear in the garden, or that a group of angry taxidermists or the slightly cross-eyed actress Brenda de Banzie would emerge from the sanctuary, Muriel knew all the supporting actors (‘You never know when you might need them’) and pointed out their names to me and taught me to recognize them.
Tuve la momentánea sensación de que podrían asomarse por el jardín el exquisito James Mason o el ominoso Martin Landau, o salir del santuario un grupo de taxidermistas airados o la bizca actriz Brenda de Banzie, Muriel se conocía a todos los actores secundarios («Uno nunca sabe si tendrá que utilizarlos») y me apuntaba sus nombres y me enseñaba a distinguirlos.
Bosch knew he should have seen that a time might come when he would be unwittingly used as a supporting actor in one of those scenes.
Bosch sabía que llegado el momento a él podrían utilizarlo como un actor de apoyo en una de esas escenas.
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