Translation for "supplied him" to spanish
Translation examples
"Do you know who supplies him with money guy?" "Who?" "Osama bin Laden."
"¿Sabes quién le suministra tanto dinero?" - "¿Quién?" - "Osama bin Laden. "
I believe it was you who supplied him the pill to end his suffering quickly, undetectably.
Creo que fuiste tú quien le suministró la píldora para terminar rápidamente con su sufrimiento, indetectable.
You supply him, he crosses you, you roast him.
Tu le suministras, se te cruza en el camino y lo quemas.
In fact, if I was gonna make an educated guess, I'd say you supply him with some of his tech.
De hecho, haciendo una conjetura educada, diría que tú le suministras algo de su tecnología.
I get him across the border, I supply him with some hardware, a safe house.
Le hice cruzar la frontera, le suministré cierto material, una casa segura.
I've been supplying him with girls for two years and this is a first.
Le suministré chicas durante dos años y ahora fue la primera vez.
Moray has a French woman supplying him with fireworks.
Moray tiene una mujer francesa que le suministra con fuegos artificiales.
Elspeth would only kill Karen Lloyd if you supplied him with the right equipment.
Elspeth sólo mataría a Karen Lloyd si usted le suministró el equipo adecuado.
I supplied him with the blanks for the gun he produced;
Le suministré cartuchos para su pistola;
“The plant supplies him with an ideal mix of gasses.”
¯La planta le suministra una mezcla ideal de gases.
I think it is due to the rich diet I supply him with, boy.
Creo que se debe a la excelente dieta que le suministro, chico.
The cap’n’s been supplying him with brandy off and on for a year now.” “Who’s the man?
Hace ya un año que el capitán le suministra brandy de vez en cuando. —¿De quién se trata?
His account will be pretty big for the firm who supplies him with liquor.' Hammerstock gulped.
Su cuenta será bastante grande para la firma que le suministre el whisky. Hammerstock tragó saliva.
When he was here for the IRA in nineteen eighty-one, I supplied him with arms, explosives, everything.
Cuando estuvo aquí en el ochenta y uno, por cuenta del IRA, yo le suministré armas, explosivos, todo lo que pidió.
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