Translation for "suddenly aware" to spanish
Translation examples
Didn't you ever become suddenly aware of your children, without them having said anything?
¿Nunca estuviste repentinamente consciente de tus hijos sin que ellos hubieran dicho nada?
The others followed, suddenly aware of their own fatigue.
Los demás los siguieron, repentinamente conscientes de su propia fatiga.
    Irma suddenly aware, shrank back in her seat.
Irma, repentinamente consciente de lo que sucedía, se encogió en su asiento.
“—What?” I said, suddenly aware she was still talking.
—¿Cómo dices? —pregunté repentinamente consciente de que Mitzi seguía hablando.
The Trevanyi, suddenly aware that they confronted an insensate foe, gave ground;
Los trevanyis, repentinamente conscientes de que se enfrentaban a un enemigo implacable, cedieron terreno.
Sonea was suddenly aware that she was surrounded by constant small noises.
Sonea fue repentinamente consciente de que la rodeaba un rumor constante de pequeños sonidos.
he asked, suddenly aware of how much he had taken it for granted.
—preguntó Dantzler, repentinamente consciente de que había dado por supuestas demasiadas cosas.
Karrde looked down at his cup, suddenly aware he was gripping it tightly.
Karrde miró abajo a su taza, repentinamente consciente de que estaba agarrándola fuerte.
He was suddenly aware that he looked like just a skinny old man in the nude. "Fuck it!"
Horza fue repentinamente consciente de que tenía todo el aspecto de un viejo desnudo. —¡A la mierda!
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