Translation for "suctioned" to spanish
Translation examples
She had suctioned his nose and mouth, ventilated him, and he soon began breathing on his own.
La comadrona le había aspirado la nariz y la boca, lo había ventilado y no había tardado en respirar por su cuenta.
Perhaps if he suddenly pulls the gun away from his temple, the suction of the air will make a shot go off; no, it doesn't go off.
Al separar el arma de la sien, de golpe, tal vez el aire aspirado hará estallar un tiro: no, no estalla.
On the sidewalk a few yards away, a human flood—a dense, fast-moving, utterly silent Crowd—was streaming past him as though pulled along by a powerful force of suction.
Una riada humana desfilaba en un silencio absoluto por las aceras, a unos metros de él. Era una multitud densa, rápida, que caminaba a paso ligero, como aspirada por una formidable bomba de succión.
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