Translation for "such weakness" to spanish
Translation examples
She hated herself for showing such weakness in front of her husband, but she couldn't seem to control herself.
Se odiaba por demostrar tanta debilidad frente a su esposo, pero no podía dominarse.
Raja’s pitiable plight was deeply akin to his own, and Fedj guessed that Raja must know something of the true circumstances of his enemies, or he would not have revealed such weakness, no matter what his own inner turmoil.
La lamentable situación en que se hallaba Raja era profundamente similar a la suya propia y, además, Fedj adivinaba que Raja debía de saber algo de las verdaderas circunstancias de sus enemigos, o no se habría atrevido a revelar tanta debilidad por grande que hubiese sido su propio caos interno.
Daleks have no such weakness.
Los Daleks no tienen tal debilidad.
I cannot give in to such weakness.
No puedo ceder a tal debilidad.
You show your enemies such weakness, and they will keep coming.
Muestra a tus enemigos tal debilidad y seguirán viniendo.
Such weakness, such indulgence never felt proper for someone of my birth.
Tal debilidad, tal indulgencia... nunca la sentí apropiado para alguien de mi nacimiento.
To die for a woman-- it's hard to imagine such weakness.
Morir por una mujer-- es difícil imaginar tal debilidad.
Sestos has no such weakness.
Sestos carece de tal debilidad.
There should be no such weakness in either of us.
No debe verse tal debilidad en ninguno de los dos.
Your position is not strong enough to show such weakness.
No estáis en una posición tan fuerte como para mostrar tal debilidad.
Such weakness was embarrassing, especially considering he knew Brother Peter was still out in the rain, heading for his barn and a place to sleep.
Tal debilidad le resultaba bochornosa, sobre todo sabiendo que el hermano Peter seguía bajo la lluvia, rumbo a un establo y un lugar donde dormir.
The thought screamed through Jordin’s mind and then was gone, replaced by the certainty that Roland would never show such weakness. And neither would she.
El pensamiento gritó a través de la mente de Jordin y luego desapareció, reemplazado por la certeza de que Roland no mostraría tal debilidad. Tampoco ella.
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