Translation for "successfully" to spanish
Translation examples
This was carried out successfully.
La adscripción se realizó con éxito.
The mission was successfully implemented.
La misión se llevó a cabo con éxito.
That mission was successfully accomplished.
Esa misión se cumplió con éxito.
Successfully implemented.
Aplicada con éxito.
Was the case study completed successfully?
¿Se completó la monografía con éxito?
Latvia is successfully implementing such a policy.
Letonia está aplicando con éxito esta política.
The campaign was successfully conducted in 1995.
Esta campaña se realizó con éxito en 1995.
The seminars were completed successfully.
Los seminarios finalizaron con éxito.
The project was successfully completed in 2000.
El proyecto concluyó con éxito en 2000.
Not always successfully.
—No siempre con éxito.
Then successfully dealt it.
Luego lo habían vendido con éxito.
Never successfully however.
Pero siempre sin mucho éxito—.
The vice-ministry is operating successfully.
Este Viceministerio está desarrollando exitosamente su propósito.
This is indispensable if the country is to develop successfully.
Esto es indispensable para que el país pueda desarrollarse exitosamente.
230. The extended programmes on immunizations have been successfully implemented in Mongolia.
230. El programa ampliado de inmunización se ha aplicado en Mongolia exitosamente.
The Government has implemented successfully many programmes across the country.
El Gobierno ha ejecutado exitosamente muchos programas en todo el país.
Also often lacking is the capacity required to successfully combat money-laundering.
También suele faltar la capacidad necesaria para combatir exitosamente el blanqueo de dinero.
This programme operates successfully as a catalyst for tourism and investment in Mexico.
Este programa opera exitosamente como un catalizador del turismo y la inversión en nuestro país.
Most pass through customs successfully
La mayoría pasa exitosamente.
Kraang test, successfully tested.
Prueba Kraang, exitosamente probada.
But not altogether successfully.
Pero no del todo exitosamente.
JARVIS: Sir, trap sprung successfully.
Señor, la trampa resultó exitosamente.
Successfully pushing alternative energy.
Presionaba exitosamente por energía alternativa.
You've successfully completed the program.
Han completado exitosamente el programa.
But it has been done successfully, right?
Pero exitosamente, ¿cierto?
I've successfully privatised world peace.
Privaticé exitosamente la paz mundial.
We have just successfully—wildly successfully, I might add—completed our fifth mission together.
Acabamos de completar exitosamente, muy exitosamente podría agregar, nuestra quinta misión juntos.
And if I am not mistaken, ve have a successfully etched picture!
–Y si no me equifoco, ¡tenemos una imagen exitosamente grrafada!
Rainbow had successfully fought fungi before, and they’d certainly had some odd ones.
Rainbow había combatido exitosamente a los hongos antes, y ciertamente tenían algunos muy raros.
We know something about a lot of things and can operate successfully in many worlds.
Sabemos algo acerca de muchos temas, y podemos operar exitosamente en muchos ámbitos.
Field operations were something that he struggled—successfully for the most part—to keep at arm's length.
Las operaciones de campo eran algo que él se esforzaba exitosamente por el momento en mantener a distancia.
He had caught sight of me, and making a vicious dig at my stomach with a spear (which I successfully dodged), shouted out, or rather began to shout out, one of his unpleasant allusions to the 'Thing that----' He never got as far as 'bites,' because I shot him after 'that.'
Éste me había visto y, después de tirarme un perverso lanzazo al vientre (que, afortunadamente, esquivé), gritó, o, mejor dicho, empezó a gritar, una de sus desagradables alusiones a la «cosa que…». Nunca llegó a decir «muerde», porque lo maté antes.
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