Translation for "stretchiness" to spanish
Translation examples
Afterwards (that still stretchy word) we subside away from each other, drowsy, feeling as if we had shares in everything.
Después, (esa palabra que todavía se caracteriza por su elasticidad) nos separamos, somnolientos, sintiendo que lo compartimos todo.
Exhilarated by its elasticity and thickness, she’d rub her big stretchy French lips over its head, as if its seepage were some kind of lotion, until her lips became sheeny with his semen and her nipples, taut as cork, stood out from her breasts and her hot ass left a line of moisture down from his knees to his toes.
Entusiasmada por su elasticidad y su grosor le pasaba sus gruesos y tersos labios franceses por el prepucio, como si lo que de él brotara fuera alguna loción de belleza, hasta que los labios le rezumaban brillantes de semen y sus pezones, duros como corcho, sobresalían ostentosamente de sus pechos, y su culo, que era yesca encendida, dejaba un reguero de humedad desde las rodillas hasta los dedos de los pies de César.
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