Translation for "stertor" to spanish
Translation examples
Stertorous breathing, pupils dilated.
estertor, pupilas dilatadas.
The stertorous breathing behind Him, then.
Luego, el estertor detrás de él.
his breathing was stertorous and halted.
su respiración era irregular, como un estertor.
Alfred breathed stertorously and said nothing more.
Alfred respiró como en estertor y no dijo nada.
There was a faint sound of breathing now, ragged, stertorous.
Ahora se oía una respiración, un estertor irregular.
No stertorous breathing, no deep stupor, no coma, and therefore no overdose.
Nada de estertores, ni estupor profundo, ni coma y, por tanto, nada de sobredosis.
Two blackfellows were asleep and one of them, lying on his back, breathed stertorously.
Dos negros dormían y uno de ellos, recostado sobre su espalda, respiraba con estertor.
Her breathing was shallow and stertorous, and Indigo could see bloodstains in her hair.
Respiraba débilmente entre estertores. Índigo descubrió manchas de sangre en sus cabellos.
He lay back heavily with his mouth open, breathing stertorously and quite insensible.
Seguía tumbado, con la boca abierta, respirando entre estertores y completamente insensible.
“No obvious signs of paralysis, no stertorous breathing,” Donklin said, “no puffing of the cheeks on expiration.”
–No hay signos aparentes de parálisis dijo Donklin-, ni estertores, ni hinchazón de las mejillas al respirar.
He was carried past me insensible, his comic face horribly flushed and as if swollen, breathing stertorously.
Lo pasaron ante mí, insensible, con el rostro horriblemente rojo y como hinchado, en el estertor de la agonía.
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