Translation for "spiriting" to spanish
Translation examples
The same spirit must animate our efforts in the years to come.
Este mismo espíritu debe animar nuestros esfuerzos en los años futuros.
Views were expressed that the spirit of such partnership must reflect respect for the principle of sovereign equality of States.
Se opinó que el espíritu que debía animar a ese tipo de asociación debía reflejar respeto por el principio de la igualdad soberana de los Estados.
Proposals and alternatives were put forward and an attempt was made to bridge differences. That is positive, and that is the spirit that should inspire the work of the Committee.
Se han presentado propuestas y alternativas, se ha intentado zanjar diferencias y esto es positivo, y es el espíritu que debe animar los trabajos de esta Comisión.
It was of vital importance that the spirit of global partnership initiated at Rio be carried forward to the present Conference and the preparations for it.
Era de capital importancia que el espíritu de coparticipación mundial iniciada en Río animara la presente Conferencia y sus preparativos.
It is evident that the spirit of Monterrey has not been enough to provide the developing countries with the resources they so badly need to realize their right to development.
Es evidente que el espíritu que animara a Monterrey no ha sido suficiente para poner en manos de los países en desarrollo los recursos que tanta falta les hacen para poder hacer realidad su derecho al desarrollo.
The present report provides an overview of activities carried out or led by UNESCO in the framework of the Year for Cultural Heritage, and refers to the spirit in which UNESCO will continue to work in this area.
El presente informe ofrece una perspectiva general de las actividades realizadas o dirigidas por la UNESCO en el marco del Año Internacional del Patrimonio Cultural, y destaca el espíritu que animará a la Organización en su labor futura.
5. Bolivia has adopted positions that are contrary to the spirit of dialogue that should prevail in both Governments.
Bolivia ha adoptado posiciones contrarias al espíritu de diálogo que debe animar a ambos Gobiernos.
Such a reality is in contravention of United Nations resolutions that have brought us here today and with the spirit of justice which must embrace the dialogue that we have been convened here to discuss.
Tal realidad contraviene las resoluciones de las Naciones Unidas que nos han traído acá hoy y el espíritu de justicia que debe animar el diálogo que hemos venido a examinar.
I'm sure seeing him will lift your spirits.
Estoy segura que al verlo, te animarás.
Maybe you can lift Will's spirits with tales from the office.
Tal vez puedas animar a Will con historias de la oficina.
We tend to encourage that kind of spirited debate here.
Tendemos a animar ese tipo de debate aquí.
Maybe reading a little Sylvia Plath will buoy my spirits.
Quizás escuchar un poco de Sylvia Plath animará mi espíritu.
This will cheer your spirit, Fronsac.
Esto le animará el espíritu, Fronsac.
I came to spread spirit and kill monsters.
He venido para animar y para matar monstruos.
I leave the public's spirits to government propaganda.
Animar es cosa de la propaganda gubernamental.
This will boost your spirits.
Esto te animará.
I would offer drink to lift spirits, but I have turned from it of late.
Ofrecería bebida para animar, pero lo he dejado últimamente.
It was not to keep up her spirits.
No era para animar a los demás.
But I will lift his spirits when we speak.
Pero lo animaré cuando hablemos.
The thought failed to lift Sheridan's spirits.
Esos pensamientos no fueron suficientes para animar a Sheridan.
Medicine can give nobody good spirits.
Los medicamentos no pueden animar a las personas.
She was not in spirits to raise her father's tone of mind.
No se sentía de humor para animar a su padre.
yet each tried bravely to keep up the spirits of the other.
sin embargo, cada uno intentaba valientemente animar al otro.
I admit our present situation isn’t calculated to raise the spirits.”
Reconozco que nuestra situación actual no es para animar a nadie.
She never failed to rally those with flagging spirits.
Siempre conseguía animar con sus arengas a los espíritus que Saqueaban.
On these occasions, only Charles could lift her spirits.
En esas ocasiones, sólo Charles era capaz de animar su espíritu.
I nodded and considered what I might say to lift his spirits.
Asentí en silencio y procuré pensar en algo que lo animara.
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