Translation for "spell it" to spanish
Translation examples
They have to be spelled out.
Por lo general, es preciso deletrearlos.
I learnt the spelling later.
—Más tarde aprendí a deletrearlo.
Need I spell it out for you?
¿Necesito deletrearlo para usted?
He had gone to the trouble of spelling it out.
Se había tomado la molestia de deletrearlo.
Or Suwannee (spelling preferred in the South).
O Suvanee (que es como prefieren deletrearlo en el sur).
Don't say it-spell it."
No la digas…, deletréala.
Now write those names, and spell them correctly." Tavares. Fezana. Almalik.
Ahora escribe esos nombres y deletréalos correctamente». Tavares. Fezana. Almalik.
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