Translation for "sparerib" to spanish
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  Pete--wolfing spareribs.
Pete, royendo el hueso de una costilla de cerdo.
  Freddy and Pete noshing spareribs--rapt.   "Keep going."
Freddy y Pete, royendo costillas de cerdo, extasiados. - Continúa.
His mother and sister Sally were cooking supper on the charcoal grill, beans and corn on the cob and spareribs.
Su madre y su hermana Sally estaban preparando la cena en una parrilla de carbón: judías y mazorcas de maíz y costillas de cerdo.
Stopped off at a small Chinese restaurant and ordered a cup of wonton soup and a plate of barbecued spareribs, but the soup was water and the ribs burnt meatless.
Entró en un pequeño restaurante chino y pidió un tazón de sopa y un plato de costillas de cerdo. La sopa era agua;
On the barbecue pit, chickens and spareribs sputtered in their own fat and a sauce whose recipe was guarded in the family like a scandalous affair.
En el foso de la barbacoa, pollos y costillas de cerdo chisporroteaban en su propia grasa y en una salsa cuyo secreto guardaba cada familia como si se tratara de un asunto escandaloso.
They looted, they raided, they held whole cities to ransom for fresh supplies of cheese, crackers, guacamole, spareribs and wine and spirits that would now get piped aboard from floating tankers.
Hacían incursiones de rapiña y secuestraban ciudades enteras para rescatarlas a cambio de víveres frescos, aguacates, costillas de cerdo, vino y licores, que se cargaban a bordo sacándolos mediante una bomba de depósitos flotantes.
He was being made to look as if he were lying—by accepting the suggestion that he take a few days to “remember.” He was being toyed with—because the warrior breed, eating spareribs, bones and all, loved to torment the other breed.
Con la sugerencia de que se tomara unos días para «recordar» buscaban que diera la impresión de que mentía… Estaban jugando con él, sencillamente porque a la raza guerrera, la que se comía las costillas de cerdo con hueso y todo, le encantaba atormentar a la suya.
"I hope," said another, "it will be, mainly, good substantial joints, sirloins, spareribs, and hinder quarters, without too many kickshaws. If I thought the good lady would not take it amiss, I should call for a fat slice of fried bacon to begin with." Ah, the gluttons and gormandizers!
—Eso espero —repuso otro—. Nos servirán suculentos solomillos, costillas de cerdo, cuartos traseros, todo ello sin demasiados condimentos. Si no fuera porque tan bondadosa señora podría ofenderse, pediría un buen trozo de tocino frito de aperitivo. ¡Menudos glotones!
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