Translation for "southeast corner" to spanish
Southeast corner
Translation examples
Southeast corner of Gaze and Throup.
Esquina sureste de Gaze y Throup.
On the southeast corner, you'll find a stairwell.
En la esquina sureste, encontrarán una escalera.
They have two inside, Southeast corner.
Tienen dos dentro, en la esquina sureste.
Roy, take the southeast corner.
Roy, tú ve a la esquina sureste.
Lower level southeast corner. [Static]
Planta baja, esquina sureste.
Meet me down in the southeast corner.
Nos vemos abajo en la esquina sureste.
DiTomasso, take the southeast corner.
DiTomasso, tomad la esquina sureste.
Warehouse, southeast corner, Vernon Boulevard.
Almacén, esquina sureste, Vernon Boulevard.
Southeast corner of Williamsburg and Talbert.
En la esquina sureste de Williamsburg y Talbert.
There was another, smaller tower at the southeast corner.
Había otra torre más pequeña en la esquina sureste.
In the southeast corner of the cathedral there are another two doors.
En la esquina sureste de la catedral hay otras dos puertas.
His eyes quickly fall on the camera in the southeast corner.
Sus ojos dan con la cámara en la esquina sureste.
Fire and containment team, second floor, southeast corner office.
—Equipo de contención y extinción de incendios, primera planta, despacho de la esquina sureste.
BARBARA HAD GAINED the southeast corner of the barn when she heard the gunshot.
Barbara había logrado colocarse en la esquina sureste del garaje cuando oyó el disparo.
Eric saw people stop at the foreign exchange booth on the southeast corner.
Eric vio a la gente detenerse en la cabina de cambio de moneda, en la esquina sureste.
In the southeast corner of the church, a low doorway led to a narrow spiral staircase.
En la esquina sureste del templo, una puerta baja conducía hasta una angosta escalera de caracol.
A healer named Roke lives on the second story of the building on the southeast corner.
—Un curandero llamado Roke vive en el segundo piso del edificio que hay en la esquina sureste.
They moved on from there and crossed the green to the prior’s house in the southeast corner of the close.
Salieron de allí y atravesaron el césped en dirección a la casa del prior, en la esquina sureste del recinto.
The scraping sounds had been coming from the southeast corner, but when I neared, I couldn't hear them anymore.
Los ruidos procedían de la esquina sureste, pero, al acercarme, ya no los oía.
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