Translation for "soon as had" to spanish
Translation examples
But not this soon. Alex had been at First Mercantile American only two years.
Pero no tan pronto. Sólo hacía dos años que Alex estaba en el First Mercantile American.
She also knew that, when someone's life was being traded for something, the hardest part was stopping the kidnapper from killing their captive as soon they had what they wanted.
También sabía que, cuando se negociaba la vida de alguien a cambio de algo, lo más difícil era evitar que el secuestrador matara a su prisionero tan pronto como conseguía lo que buscaba.
‘Oh dear,’ said my father, meeting me by chance on the stairs, ‘how delightful to see you again so soon.’ (I had been abroad fifteen months.) ‘You’ve come at a very awkward time, you know.
—Vaya, vaya —dijo mi padre, cuando nos topamos en las escaleras de su casa—. Qué agradable volver a verte tan pronto. —Yo llevaba quince meses en el extranjero—. Has venido en una época muy incómoda, por cierto.
Unknown to Harold, as soon as his marriage had been decided, the craftsman had made some careful enquiries about the Dane. He learned that he had become involved in a fight in Waterford and soon afterwards had left with a crew of fellows like himself and sailed northwards.
Sin que Harold lo supiera, tan pronto como se decidió su enlace, el orfebre hizo pesquisas sobre el danés y se enteró de que se había visto implicado en una pelea en Waterford y que, poco después, había zarpado con una tripulación de individuos como él rumbo al norte.
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