Translation for "son who was" to spanish
Son who was
Translation examples
The author affirms that the medical examination of her son and of the victims, reveal that it was not her son who started the fight.
La autora afirma que el examen médico de su hijo y de las víctimas puso de manifiesto que no fue su hijo quien comenzó la pelea.
They had a son who was more than bright.
Tenían un hijo que era muy inteligente.
I do, but honestly, so was I when I defended your son who was guilty of rape.
Lo hago, pero honestamente, yo también lo estuve cuando defendí a su hijo que era culpable de violación.
Sometimes I think that God took my word for it, when I begged Him to cool off my son, who was a womanizer.
A veces lamento que Dios me hiciese caso, cuando le rogaba que calmase a mi hijo, que era un donjuán.
Did you know Mark Twain had a son who was a writer?
Sabias que Mark Twain tenia un hijo que era escritor?
He also had a son who was a gambler, just like you.
También tenía un hijo que era jugador, justo como tú.
If he backed away at that point, then everybody's going to know, including Marcus, is going to know that he was ready to seize the power from Marcus's own son, who was the closest person in line for the succession.
Si se echaba atrás en ese momento todos iban a saber, incluso Marco, que Casio estaba dispuesto a quitarle el poder a su hijo, que era el aspirante más cercano a la sucesión del trono.
Your great-grandfather was a violent alcoholic who was in the army who beat his son, who was a violent alcoholic in the army who beat his son, who was a violent alcoholic in the marines who beat you.
Tu bisabuelo era alcohólico violento, militar y le pegaba a su hijo, que era alcohólico violento militar y le pegaba a su hijo, que era alcohólico violento, infante de Marina y te pegaba a ti.
That would have shut Richard out completely... and there he was with a son who was... weak, sickly, bedridden- couldn't even walk.
Eso habría anulado a Richard completamente... y ahí estaba él con un hijo que era... débil, enfermizo, que estaba postrado. Ni siquiera podía caminar.
She was impatient with her son, who bore it stoically.
Era impaciente con su hijo, y el hijo lo soportaba estoicamente.
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