Translation for "soft-looking" to spanish
Translation examples
The sweater was very soft-looking and had no reindeer on it.
El suéter parecía muy suave y no tenía renos.
It’s very golden and soft-looking and warm.”
Todo dorado, y parece muy suave y calentito.
Broad-shouldered, smooth and soft-looking, but firm underneath.
Ancha de hombros, suave y tersa pero firme.
She had a round, soft-looking face. Her lips were full.
Tenía una cara redonda y suave y los labios gruesos.
But I give him a soft look mustering all my beauty.
Pero yo le dirijo una mirada suave forzando toda mi belleza.
  Ainge, soft: "Look, I sold guns then. Glenda knew that.
Ainge, suave: - Verá, yo entonces vendía armas. Glenda lo sabía.
Her eyes were large and almost level, her lips pink and soft-looking.
Sus ojos eran grandes y poco rasgados, sus labios rosados y de aspecto suave.
She did have the prettiest gray eyes, and her skin had a powdery soft look to it, and what was he thinking?
Tenía unos ojos grises muy bonitos y una piel de aspecto suave, y ¿qué estaba pensando?
When he got back to the cart, something golden with the soft look of heather was growing around the wheels.
Cuando regresó vio que algo dorado de aspecto suave similar a un brezo crecía alrededor de las ruedas.
Her lips were slightly parted, damp and soft looking, swollen and red from her biting them.
Tenía los labios levemente abiertos, húmedos y de aspecto suave, hinchados y enrojecidos de tanto mordérselos.
Up close, there was no way you could confuse the soft-looking fuzz on Emma’s upper lip with beads of perspiration.
De cerca era imposible confundir con gotas de sudor la pelusa de aspecto suave sobre el labio superior de Emma.
Herr Josef Pichler was a fairly typical Austrian: shorter and thinner than the average German, with pale, soft-looking skin, and a sparse, immature sort of moustache.
Herr Josef Pichler era un austríaco bastante típico: más bajo y delgado que el alemán medio, con la piel pálida y de aspecto suave y una especie de bigote ralo y juvenil.
The face circled by her fur hood was exquisitely molded, and the hood itself, and her coat and fur-trimmed boots, were soft-looking and rich, so that I was miserably conscious as I spoke to her of my own patched shirt and trousers and my muddy feet.
El rostro enmarcado por el cuello de pieles, estaba exquisitamente modelado, y el cuello mismo, el abrigo y las botas guarnecidas de piel tenían un aspecto suave y exquisito, de modo que al hablarle me sentí miserablemente consciente de mi camisa y mis pantalones remendados y mis zapatos embarrados.
The rest of his clothes were expensive-looking too: perhaps it was the flamboyance of Julian’s attire that had prevented me from noticing the Chair’s well-cut, slim-fitting jacket, his clean dark shirt with its sharp collars, his trousers made of some soft-looking, opulent material.
El resto de su ropa también parecía cara: tal vez lo llamativo del atuendo de Julian me había impedido reparar en la chaqueta ceñida de corte impecable del moderador, en su impoluta camisa oscura de cuello afilado, en sus pantalones, hechos de un tejido de aspecto suave y opulento.
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