Translation for "so many generations" to spanish
So many generations
Translation examples
And after so many generations your true counterpart is simply not to be found.
Y después de tantas generaciones, uno no encuentra su verdadera contrapartida.
Even the solitude that has kept us company for so many generations dies with me.
La soledad, que nos ha acompañado durante tantas generaciones, morirá también conmigo.
His face wore that curiously elusive expression that had baffled the world for so many generations.
Su cara tenía esa expresión curiosamente elusiva que había sorprendido al mundo durante tantas generaciones.
He was not one for WorShip, but he respected any human being who had outlived so many generations.
No le atraía la VeNaveración, pero respetaba a cualquier ser humano que hubiera sobrevivido a tantas generaciones.
The Russian peasants had been kept in ignorance and illiteracy for so many generations that they were not much more than animals.
A los campesinos rusos los habían mantenido sumidos en la ignorancia y el analfabetismo durante tantas generaciones, que no eran mucho más que animales.
But from the Leventhals' side, and the boy was one of them, too, it was peculiar, after so many generations, to have this.
Pero desde el punto de vista de Leventhal, el niño era también uno de ellos, y resultaba peculiar encontrarse con aquello, después de tantas generaciones.
The cedarwood cross with its curious carving had been worn on the skin of so many generations now that it was almost black.
El crucifijo de cedro con su curiosa inscripción había sido lucido sobre la piel de tantas generaciones que era casi negro.
Here is the garden that Europe has been digging for many centuries; into which so many generations have poured their blood;
Aquí está el jardín que Europa ha cavado durante tantos siglos, en el que tantas generaciones han derramado su sangre;
It galled him to depend on the Chin for military aid, after so many generations easing his people away from their dependence.
Le sublevaba depender de la ayuda militar de los Chin, después de tantas generaciones alejando poco a poco a su pueblo de esa dependencia.
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