Translation for "so gentle" to spanish
Translation examples
He was so gentle.
Era tan gentil.
You were so gentle.
Fuiste tan gentil.
Don't be so gentle!
¡No seas tan gentil!
Victoria was so gentle.
Victoria era tan gentil.
You were always so gentle.
Siempre fuiste tan gentil.
So kind, so gentle...
Tan amable, tan gentil...
You're so gentle.
Eres tan gentil.
They're so gentle.
Son tan gentiles.
And Esme was so gentle, so tender and soft.
Y Esme era tan dulce, tan amable, tan gentil.
He is so mild, so gentle—do you remember?
Siempre tan suave, tan gentil… ¿Recuerdas?
She couldn't understand its garbled words, but the tones were so gentle and concerned that she listened anyway.
No comprendía las confusas palabras, pero el tono era tan gentil y cuitado que las escuchó con atención.
Condine had always particularly enjoyed the description of his arms, so strong, so gentle.
A Condine siempre le había gustado en particular la descripción de los brazos del hombre, tan fuertes y tan gentiles.
She guessed he was smiling in the darkness, and his voice was so gentle and apologetic that she could not take offence.
Ella supuso que el hombre sonreía en la oscuridad, pero su voz era tan gentil y amable que no pudo ofenderse.
My poor father, the most considerate being I knew, so tender, so gentle, so helpless.
Mi pobre padre, el ser más generoso que conocía, tan tierno, tan gentil, tan indefenso.
she’s so sweet, she’s so gentle, she’s so tender, and yet there is a sort of aloofness in her that keeps you at a distance.
es tan dulce, tan gentil, tan tierna, y sin embargo hay en ella un cierto desapego que lo mantiene a uno a la distancia.
Oh, poor Aunt Margaret, who was so gentle, and yet slept (probably) in the same bed as he, for they were married.
Oh, pobre Tía Margaret, que era tan gentil y sin embargo (probablemente) dormía en la misma cama que él, porque estaban casados.
with that lift of the shoulders, or with Roberto, Don Roberto, Don Ernesto, so polite always, so gentle and such a good friend.
o con Roberto, don Roberto, don Ernesto, siempre tan educado, tan gentil, tan buen camarada;
Pip, she was so gentle.
Pip, ella era tan suave.
I won't be so gentle.
Yo no seré tan suave.
Uh-oh! Not so gentle.
No tan suave.
Next time, they won't be so gentle.
La próxima vez no serán tan suaves.
And everyone was so gentle.
Entonces éramos tan suaves.
Because the cat was so gentle.
Debido a que el gato era tan suave.
You frighten me, you’re so gentle.
Me asustas, eres tan suave.
How sweet she was, so gentle and so appealing!
¡Qué dulce era, tan suave y atractiva!
The reproof was so gentle that he had perforce to accept it.
El reproche era tan suave que tuvo que aceptarlo.
It was not-so-gentle kneading on her leg that woke her.
No fue tan suave el masaje en la pierna que la despertó.
Perhaps, after all, the wine had not been so gentle.
Quizá después de todo el vino no hubiese sido tan suave.
The priest's voice -- so gentle, but the violence under it.
La voz del sacerdote, tan suave, cuánta violencia rezuma.
He hadn’t realized she could be so gentle.
Él nunca se había dado cuenta de que pudiera ser tan suave—.
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