Translation for "snakelet" to spanish
Translation examples
He's hatched a small army of snakelets to whisper, and spy, and promulgate his causes, from the worship of Caesar to securing his own position.
Octaviano ha soltado un pequeño ejército de serpientes para que propaguen rumores, espíen y pregonen sus deseos, que van desde imponer la veneración a César hasta asegurarse su propia posición.
Sulla had therefore got himself up as Medusa the Gorgon, complete with a wig of genuine living snakelets that had the whole room screaming in terror every time he lowered his head and threatened to charge, and a flowing mass of draperies in Coan floss silk that showed the guests his biggest snake all too clearly.
Así que Sila se disfrazó de la Gorgona Medusa, con una peluca de auténticas culebras vivas que hacían chillar espantados a todos los invitados cada vez que inclinaba la cabeza y amenazaba con embestirlos, complementado con una sutil túnica en seda de Cos que dejaba traslucir a la concurrencia su gran serpiente propia.
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