Translation for "smile said" to spanish
Translation examples
The smile said that they both knew better.
La sonrisa dijo que ambos sabían que no era así.
He interrupted me and with a broad smile said, "Yes, yes. The emissary also talks to me.
Con una amplia sonrisa dijo: – Sí, sí, el emisario me habla.
The Queen looked at Jack with a smile and he, returning the smile, said 'Oh meat, ma'am, if you please.'
La reina miró a Jack sonriendo, y él, devolviéndole la sonrisa, dijo:
He examined her for a long instant that she didn’t understand, and suddenly with a sigh and a smile said:
Él la escudriñó un largo instante que ella no entendió, y de repente con un suspiro y una sonrisa dijo:
As seriously as possible Pylades repeated this message to Orestes himself, and then turning with a smile, said:
Con gran solemnidad Pílades repitió este mensaje a Orestes, que estaba allí junto a él. Luego, volviéndose con una sonrisa, dijo:
He took it in his own enormous paw and, looking a bit overwhelmed by her welcome and her dazzling smile, said, “Pleased to meet you.”
Él tomó su mano en su enorme zarpa y, un poco abrumado por su recibimiento y su deslumbrante sonrisa, dijo:
Sharf Demon Light smiled at his lord, and the smile said that the truce, if made, would be opportunely broken.
El sharf Luz Demonio le sonrió a su señor y la sonrisa dijo que la tregua, si se hacía, sería oportunamente rota.
The wife smiled her smile, said she was glad to meet Quinn as though she meant it, and then extended her hand to him.
La mujer le dirigió una sonrisa, dijo que se alegraba de conocer a Quinn como si lo dijera sinceramente y luego le tendió la mano.
Roran removed a ragged half of sourdough bread from his bags, then paused and, with a hint of a smile, said, “Wouldn’t you rather have some venison?
Roran sacó un trozo irregular de pan de sus bolsas, se quedó inmóvil y, esbozando una sonrisa, dijo: -¿ No preferirías un poco de venado?
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