Translation for "slightly curved" to spanish
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The basic dimensions are approximately 84 inches wide and 71 inches tall, with the base of the object being slightly curved.
Las dimensiones básicas del objeto son de aproximadamente 84 pulgadas de ancho y 71 pulgadas de alto, y con una base ligeramente curvada.
"...the instrument had to be slightly curved "with some kind of serrated edge
El instrumento tenía que ser ligeramente curvado con una especie de filo dentado.
Well, we're looking for something slightly curved with a blunt D-shaped edge.
Bueno, buscamos algo ligeramente curvado... con un borde romo en forma de D.
From the tip down, the slope looks to be slightly curved.
De la punta abajo, la pendiente parece ser ligeramente curvada.
It has a certain length,it's about that long,it's slightly curved
Tiene cierta longitud, más o menos así, y está ligeramente curvado. A su salud.
So, based on the wound, the murder weapon was a slightly curved serrated blade, approximately five to seven inches long.
Basándome en la herida, el arma del crimen era ligeramente curvada y de hoja dentada, de dos a tres centímetros de longitud aproximadamente.
It was a cigar case, slim and slightly curved.
Era una cigarrera, fina y ligeramente curvada.
His lips, slightly curved, looked incredibly soft.
Sus labios, ligeramente curvados, parecían increíblemente suaves.
Walking along the corridor, Hall noticed that the walls were slightly curved.
Hall notó que tenía las paredes ligeramente curvadas.
Blades were wide and slightly curved, sharp on the concave side.
Las hojas eran anchas y ligeramente curvadas, afiladas por el lado cóncavo.
His fingers had touched the tray. Its shell was slightly curved at the edges.
Sus dedos habían tocado la bandejita, que estaba ligeramente curvada en los extremos.
He carried a long, slightly curved sword he called Ash Wand.
Llevaba una espada larga y ligeramente curvada a la que llamaba Varita de Fresno.
Everything was set on a slightly curved surface of clay and rock and there was nothing above but darkness.
Todo estaba instalado sobre una superficie ligeramente curvada de arcilla y roca, sin nada encima más que oscuridad.
The knife was slightly curved, and the merest feather touch of the blade would split the skin.
Los cuchillos eran ligeramente curvados, y el menor roce del filo contra la piel bastaba para seccionarla.
from the slightly curving handle protruded two wooden stops for better gripping.
de la empuñadura ligeramente curvada surgían dos protuberancias de madera para sujetarla mejor.
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